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The leadership of the branch of Electrical Accessories and Household Controller of CEEIA has visited the factory




Theleadership of the branch of Electrical Accessories and Household Controller of ChinaElectrical Equipment Industrial Association, Mrs. Chen Mingthe deputysecretary-general, Mr. hang Xuxing-the Senior Engineer of the qualitysupervision test center of national electrical appliances, has visited thefactory on Sep 14, 2016. Our general manager Mr. Steve Hu, deputy general managerMr. Chai Jun, chief engineer Mr. Zhou Jialiang and director of qualitydepartment Mr. Fang Weigen have accompanied them throughout the visit.

At thebeginning, the general manager Mr. Steve Hu presented the factorys runningconditions in recent years and the development vision. Then Mrs. Chen Ming, thedeputy secretary-general, expressed that Hangzhou Hongshi is a factory whichhas a long history in manufacture of electrical accessories and has aconsiderable reputation in this industry. We hope Hongshi can reinforce in constructionof the autonomous brand and market expanding of both domestic and foreign andso on. Also Hongshi should strengthen communications and cooperation in inter-industryand promote the SWE band to a higher level.

After themeeting, they visited the workshop and test center in Gaoqiao plant. And duringthe visit the leadership commended the factorys achievements gainedin recent years.